apply online kuk Duplicate DMC/Degree/Migration

 Get kuk Degree online | kuk DMC | kuk provisional certificate | kuk mark sheet | अब online मिलेंगे

अब kuk University में सभी तरह के TRANSCRIPT degree certificate DMC mark sheet migration certificate online ही मिलेंगे students को अब university के चक्कर नहीं लगाने पड़ेंगे आप को सिर्फ अपने mobile या pc laptop से online TRANSCRIPT degree/DMC/provisional certificate migration certificate के लिए apply करना होगा और आप को अपने घर बैठे ही degree/DMC/ provisional certificate मिल जायेगा

How to get KUK Transcript online

Consider the following procedures, in case if you want to have online completely then you may call us on 01744-238098 10 AM - 4 PM (Monday-Friday) to get support for hassle-free transcripts.

T r a n s c r i p t / Re-issue DMC,Degree /Prov.Certificate


Procedure to apply Re-issue DMC/Degree and ProvisionalDegree Certificate: - 

Controller of Examination-II
Exam Wing 2
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

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